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Music that gets played on radio. Unless a specialised station, the music that gets airplay is usually shite.

The Rolling Stones dont get much airplay anymore.

by Robert Hardie September 24, 2003

17👍 2👎


when a tune is played on the radio

that new tune is getting lots of airplay - i hear it on the radio all the time.

by Anonymous September 27, 2003

17👍 5👎


Playing a sport while in midair.

"Bob and I did some ping-pong airplay while skydiving yesterday."

by Kenthar September 26, 2003

6👍 6👎


The act of choking someone during sexual intercourse.

Kerry loved participating in airplay as she had a pretty kinky side.

by Ihavenoname101 February 23, 2017

21👍 5👎