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the stupidest fucking word used on the internet today. people think its funny or cool to use this word, when really they sound like fucking idiots.

"---"got pwned...im soo cool , i used 'pwned'!"


by Laety March 25, 2008

80👍 89👎


1) A human being with a penis between their legs

2)men who:

-say they will call you and then don't
- know they want you, but they pretend they don't
-tell you what type of woman they want, and when they find out that you are all those things, they find reasons to avoid you
- say stupid things like 'don't call me , I'll call you' or something to that effect

-are jealous and don't want to admit it
-who lie
- who say they hate liars , but lie themselves
- online, who say that they are seeking real emotional relationships but have screen names that relate to sex.

'Why are men such fucking cowards?'

by Laety April 20, 2006

93👍 129👎


1)People who are Nigerian who say things like

'na wa o'
'comeon', followed by a long tirade to do a list of errands
'disting' for 'this thing'
'goslow' for traffic
'boot' for trunk
'pant' for underwear
'armpit thing' for deodeorant
'ching chong' for any asian person they see or talk to
2) A nigerian household that isn't complete without a pot of stew and rice , soup for fufu, in the refrigorator
3) A man who is persistent and without even knowing you claims that you are 'his wife'

4)People that are self confident and self assured and don't need to rely on reparations to get a job or go to college.

'ah-ah' , there is so much goslow, I need to go home, make am cook soup and fufu'

'omg, you're sooo nigerian'

by Laety April 20, 2006

681👍 389👎

soap opera

1)Any show that is watched between the hours of 10 am and 2pm that exists so that a woman can sit on a larg sofa, eat yogurt, lemon cookies, and icecream, relax. Typically are in a bad mood close to 3pm when they know the kids are coming home.
2) Any show that airs during the morning, early afternoon hours that is characterized by bad acting, a huge amount of airtime dedicated to crying, and bad lines that would never be said in real life.

' She was on the couch all day today..'
'yeah, it's those damn soap operas'

by Laety April 20, 2006

83👍 43👎

chin chin

A delicious snack cookie originating from Nigeria

'at our Nigerian parties, every table will have a paper plate filled with chin chin'

by Laety April 20, 2006

168👍 83👎