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Pizza Onion

A kindly old blondie who, surprisingly, used to be the principal of Mckinnon Secondary. This is surprising because MSC is well known for its cruel and barbaric practices and has violated the Geneva Convention on many occasions. Either she is clueless on these events happening around her or he simply turns a blind eye to them, she is actively allowing these crimes to happen. It is theorized that Pizza Onion was brainwashed by Lachlan Noble and Richard Long duos a long time ago, perhaps somewhere in the early 1860’s using a mixture of coercion and interrogation techniques. Regardless, she does not care or does not know about the atrocities that were committed in McKinnon Secondary. She retired at the end of 2022 and now resides in her home and is regularly visited by her granddaughters.

Haruku: Hey bro, I think Pizza Onion was the only nice authority figure who seemed to be on our side this entire time.

Thomas: I know. I wish she started younger so we could still have her. I miss the days with her here.
Haruku: And now this ugly old man has full power over us.

Thomas: I hope he dies in a car accident.

by LeakedUrSecrets September 8, 2023

Walter Hartwell White

A science teacher who was forced into beginning a meth industry to help his family and pay off his cancer treatment. The story "Breaking Bad" tells a sad tale of this guy being exploited by the system that he worked so hard for, only to be shunned and forgotten by it.

Walter Hartwell White was exploited while living in "free" America and was forced to sell methamphetamine to make ends meet.

by LeakedUrSecrets September 9, 2023

yag xes

Gay sex spelt backwards

Bro : Hey, I just had yag xes yesterday!
Based Teacher: Nah dawg, ya can't fool me with that one.

by LeakedUrSecrets August 26, 2023

7👍 1👎

Galvanised square steel

The most superior building material. Best secured with screws borrowed from your 8th aunt. Is the most compatible with eco-friendly wood veneers guaranteed to last 10,000 years. Highly recommended by people who buy a 0.1 square meter space somewhere in North Carolina.

"Let's transform a 0.1 square meter space into a functional house. Liam lived frugally and worked diligently for two years managing to save up half a million to buy a house in New York. However, upon moving in, he was shocked by how small it was. He couldn't even stretch out his fingers. Now, let's explore how we can help Liam transform it into a functional home.

First, he used Galvanised square steel..."

by LeakedUrSecrets June 12, 2024

McKinnon Secondary College

This school is a literal wolf in sheep’s clothing. Voted as Victoria’s no.1 public school, in reality the school is terrible and must be avoided at all cost. During open days, the school takes on a friendly approach. However, as the new coming students are hushed past the school gates, its positive manner is forgotten and the school displays a harsh, cold environment to the students. The school readily allows bullying to get out of hand and prevents students from taking self defensive actions against bullies. A former Year 7 student once reported feeling nauseous after his head was forced into a cupboard and beaten by belts by his peers. The unnamed student then went on to report the incidents but was turned down by the student managers for “lack of evidence” and “we don’t have the resources to investigate.” The authors can also recall an incident where they were rejected from all activities by the entire class and laughed at behind their backs. The intense bullying severely affected their mental health and grades. When questioned by the same teachers who turned to blind eye to the previous bullying, they too dismissed our claims as outlandish and “unlikely to happen in such a privileged school.”

Thomas (tired from bullies): Mom, do I reeeaally have to go to McKinnon Secondary College? I hate it there, kids bully me everyday so much I want to shoot it up if this was America.
Mom: C’mon darling, it can’t be that bad. The principal looked nice, no cap.

Thomas (eye rolls): That’s because he’s putting up a show for the parents, on purpose.

Mom (already brainwashed by the school): How dare you!!! You have no rights! I’m going to spank you now and you’re gonna apologize to the good man Lachlan Noble!
Thomas: 💀

by LeakedUrSecrets September 9, 2023

White Power

The best of all powers out there because it is white.

Person 1: Red power!
Person 2: Blue power!
Person 3: Green Power!
Person 4: White power!
Random black person: Bro that's fucking racist.

by LeakedUrSecrets September 8, 2023

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2019 McKinnon Secondary Scandal

The 2019 McKInnon Secondary Scandal was an incident when the school blatantly lied about and covered up using

In early 2019, the school had an undisclosed scandal that was hurriedly covered up. The official report was a “slight misendeavor of no real significance.” All other enquiries relating to this incident were mysteriously postponed and silenced. However, the author can reveal the true nature of the circumstances. It all started with a viral Tik Tok trend (don’t know which one, we don’t use it) which persuaded children to deface school equipment and trash bathrooms, for the sake of gaining views and likes. Long story short, one student was framed for it (everything that others had previously done) and was pressured by the school to confess guilt. Being the only suspect (the school claimed this person was responsible for all), he ultimately had no evidence and as the school was an object of immense respect, it was their words against this unfortunate student. Following this, the school successfully blackmailed him by threatening to reveal the entire drama with the police if he did not confess and seek involuntary mental support. As mentioned before, it was the school’s word against his so he had no other choice but to admit guilt.

Person 1: Hey did you hear about the 2019 McKinnon Secondary Scandal?
Person 2: Yeah, I heard NAME REDACTED was wrongly accused for it. The school had no solid proof.
Person 1: I know right. It's just a complete abuse of power. Also principals shouldn't have such power because they are unreliable and tell lies.
Person 2: Fr.

by LeakedUrSecrets September 9, 2023