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An ascii-hole is a troll, a button-pusher, someone who deliberately behaves like an anal sphincter (asshole) safely behind the anonymity of the internet.

In real life they behave just like "normal people" and are well behaved, soft spoken, well-mannered and, often, highly educated.

"john" is such an ascii-hole, he came into "mary's" post about her anniversary and deliberately provoked her by calling her fat and a bitch.

by LustyMartin September 24, 2010

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Google evangelist.

He loves google so much he teaches everyone about Google apps/chat/voice/etc, he's a googangelist.

by LustyMartin September 20, 2010

Domain Poor

Adjective: used to describe a person or other entity owning zero to few domain name registrations.

At one time I had registered several dozen domain names, now that I only have one (1) I am feeling domain poor.

by LustyMartin August 10, 2010

three ring circus

When a woman has rings in each of her labia and the hood of her clitoris.

That girl has a three ring circus!

by LustyMartin August 17, 2010

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an uncertain or unspecified piece of software

I've got someware that can parse that data for you.

by LustyMartin August 18, 2010

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The ability to identify prostitute from a distance.

I saw her and instantly my hodar was tingling. Later I found her ad on an escort mall.

by LustyMartin September 20, 2010

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The Ancient Japanese art of Sportfucking.

I've lost 20lbs in the last month thanks to fukido training.

by LustyMartin October 5, 2010

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