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Monday banger

Term used by people who are drinking booze on Monday but aren't alcoholics.

Peter: Wow, fucking drinking on Mondays? Drunk.
Justin: No man, Mondays are just plain shitty. A Monday banger takes the edge off the coming work week.

by MarshalJD March 30, 2009

Joker Weed

Any weed that is half schwag half chronic. Every hit/bowl is either "hit or miss".

Justin: "Yo, I got ripped off. Want to smoke some joker weed?"
Faith G: "Good times."

by MarshalJD June 26, 2009

Mainstream Beer

Any beer a teenager likes to party with. See Coors, Budweiser, and the like.

Piss water that you buy simply because an advertisement got to you.

Kids drink shitty mainstream beer to look cool in front of their friends. Fucking posers.

Just because it had a funny commercial doesn't mean I'll buy that shitty mainstream beer.

by MarshalJD November 14, 2008

24👍 3👎

Candy Bar Theory

Weighing the worth of something you want to buy (but don't need) vs. an equal worth of candy bars
Works in your favor every time, since you can argue that instead of buying fatty sweets you are doing yourself a favor
Does not work if you continue to eat candy

I'm running low on funds, and this bud is gonna cost me $100. Well, shit, that's like 100 king size snickers. Would I enjoy 100$ of weed more than 100 snickers? Fuck yeah! My candy bar theory never fails me.

by MarshalJD September 1, 2009

14👍 3👎

I'm So High

One of the few phrases that comes out of your mouth when you're in a zone past gone. Usually accompanied by a million dollar smile and or schoolgirl giggles.

Me, smiling everyday: I'm so high...

by MarshalJD August 20, 2009

258👍 80👎


1) Broken down "ughor" spells out "ugly whore"

2) Some ancient cultures give the name Ughor to famous and powerful beings; usually leaders of war. Let us hope this strange naming of war leaders did not have anything to do with definition number 1

Guys are all over that ughor over there...what attracts them to her?

We will conquer your barren crossroads! Our Ughor has come to rape your land and pillage your women! He will not come, see, and conquer. He will see, conquer, and come.

by MarshalJD January 4, 2008

143👍 29👎