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A Frouche is a friendly-douche. He acts friendly and nice, but yet at the same time, he is clearly a douche. He is easiest to spot by his popped collar, loud shorts and his parents old Mercedes.

Did you see that frouche? He needs to button his shirt up, and put his collar down. Yeah, I talked to him... he actually seemed nice! Perhaps, but Salmon shorts don't look good on anyone!

by MxRacer August 28, 2012

Overreaction Faction

The group of people who inevitably make a huge deal out of something that is either innocuous, or attempting to be humorous.

Did you see that article the ASPCA posted about the giraffe fighting rings? That is not funny! It is disgusting and I am going to form an Overreaction Faction with my other hippie friends!!!

by MxRacer February 3, 2011