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One who is most popular, known to all inside school, the local area and a top figure in sports of any kind. Also know to be sought after by every woman within a 5 mile radius.

That dude's a true pete-myster. I know 6 hot chicks that'd love to get with him.

by Nemo January 23, 2005

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Urban slang term for bullet or slug, originating from the noisy but harmless caps used with a child's cap-gun.

I'm gonna bust a cap in yo ass.

by Nemo October 23, 2002

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Love Callous

Knobby build-up of dead tissue resulting from over-use in activities related to sex.
See also: Margaret's Pootie

Damn! That knob jockey gots one nasty love callous in her jine!

by Nemo October 30, 2002

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Prairie Doggin

v. The uncomfortable sensation resulting from a turd repeatedly pressing against the rectal sphincter and having to be squeezed back in; analogous to a prairie dog popping its head in & out of its burrow.

Damn, I gotta find me a shitter fast cuz I'm prairie doggin one monster of a log!

by Nemo November 4, 2002

551πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


A girl who hides behind a mask, but is truely beautiful on the inside. She may have a few quirks though.

Man shes weird, but shes kinda nice.

by Nemo August 29, 2004

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can of worms

1) A can containing worms. Fishermen find this yucky and sticky.

2) A yucky situation better left alone.

Maybe you shouln't talk to Maria about that. You're about to open a can of worms.

by Nemo February 17, 2004

24πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Dollar General

a.k.a. 'Dollar Store,' place where you can find some items usually found at Wal~Mart at a convenient Wal~Mart-like price, and only takes a few minutes to get them. Visited more often around August, when parents stock up on school supplies.

stupid people like kebo don't realize that everything in the dollar general like um...the toys and garden hoses, don't break. and anybody who go to dollar general not stupid enough to get toys and garden hoses there. if you need a pack of hanes t-shirts, dollar general. if you need some school paper, dollar general. if you need kool-aid, dollar general. get certain things you can find at wal~mart, only faster.

by Nemo May 1, 2004

57πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž