Source Code

An abbreviation

A short version of a word

Sometimes I use an abbreviation

by Nicoxman8 August 16, 2015

81πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


1:Of or related to a premonition
2:Seeming to have known prior to event or occurence

He saved her life! That was so premonistic!

by Nicoxman8 April 6, 2015

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Vulgar past tense of had sex; describing having a problem that most likely cannot be fixed; of a person or object broken, not functioning properly, or got damaged or hurt by something

1: I just fucked my girlfriend/boyfriend!
2: Dude, IҀ™m so fucked!
3: Damn, he got fucked up!

by Nicoxman8 October 28, 2017


Generalizing by gender

Guy 1: That guy is driving so slow!
Guy 2: DonҀ™t genderalize. It could be a woman.

by Nicoxman8 February 1, 2019


(Slang) a slut

I broke up with cause I found out she's a cockhopper

by Nicoxman8 May 22, 2015


1: explicit word for the buttocks (a person's lower backside)
2: an animal (also referred to as a donkey jackass; jennyass)
3: a mean person (also referred to as asshole or asswipe)

1: Look at her ass!
2: A donkey is a domesticated ass.
3: Stop being an ass!

by Nicoxman8 February 4, 2017

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Male reproductive organ becoming stiff by either sexual arousal or coincidentally; who or which bones

1: When I saw that girl I got a boner
2: That man, I swear he was a boner

by Nicoxman8 April 6, 2015

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž