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A person that has passed A.K.A passed away

My father has passed yesterday

by Noel369 March 27, 2021

18👍 4👎


It is a 3 or under aged boy or girl that has choked on tape

My daughter Ana had tapechoke

by Noel369 March 26, 2021


Something that is cute and ugly and is loved by everyone

My dog is VERY cugly

by Noel369 May 17, 2021


loving means kind and helpful if someone is loving you might really want to spend time with them

My husband is loving

by Noel369 March 27, 2021

39👍 2👎

Good morning

this is something you might say to someone when waking them up this word is used at least 28thousand times a day

Good morning sweetheart

by Noel369 March 27, 2021

24👍 6👎


A statue studied by chinese children it is half women half chicken

momo is a creepy half women half chicken statue

by Noel369 March 25, 2021

34👍 16👎