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Something that is cute and ugly and is loved by everyone

My dog is VERY cugly

by Noel369 May 17, 2021


Cute and fugly.

He's so cute but so fugly. He's cugly

by OKURNESSEABJ October 28, 2019

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Someone who's ugly but can still be considered cute

Jessica's so cugly....I'd still tap her though.

by Hvalenti March 2, 2015


When someone is cugly they are not โ€œOMG They are so cuteโ€ but they are not โ€œOMG they are so uglyโ€. They are cute and ugly at the same time.

Omg that boy is so cugly

by Jjaye April 7, 2020


Cugly is when an someone is both cut and ugly or very unconventional attractive

Anyaโ€™s boyfriend is so Cugly

by Allo mea June 29, 2022


Most commonly an animal that it so ugly it's cute

The pony was very cugly

by Yayasprug27 May 3, 2017

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Ugly cunt.

Omg that rat is such a cugly

by Bum holes December 27, 2019

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