Source Code

theives' world

In common parlance, it has come to be used to describe any petty pseudo-anarchist criminal group, of the variety that read "The Anarchist Cookbook" and daub anti-capitalist graffiti.

Originally from the Russian "vorovskoi mir" desribing an underground philosophy which decried the existence of the state. A reaction to the authoritarian Communist regimé that dictated against recognition of the police, army, judiciary or any other manifestation of the state.

He's become mixed up with some theives' world anti-Bush group.

by Odiumjunkie February 27, 2005

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Adjective; of or relating to the website Digg. Often used in a derogative sense, to imply that a story or article is hackneyed or old news. Commonly used on slashdot.

That story on "100 funiest tech support moments ever" is so diggsian.

by Odiumjunkie January 18, 2006

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

meme chill

A variety of douche chill that centers upon an individual's failure to recognize the use of a meme, and the subsequent embarassment felt as people realize the individual's failure to recognize the meme.

Also, an exclamation used to show someone has failed to identify a meme.


B: I don't think caps lock is very cool. It's kind of annoying

A: meme chill

by Odiumjunkie June 21, 2007

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

get your grub on

"To get one's grub on"

To eat, to go about the process of eating, to make preparations for eating, to undertake action to bring about the prospect of eating. From the English slang grub meaning food.

You hungry man? Go get your grub on.

I'm starving man, I'm going to get my grub on.

by Odiumjunkie February 27, 2005

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The act of a male inserting his penis into his own anus.

"There's nothing worse than those goatse pictures!"

"You think so? You obviously aren't acquainted with the art of autosodomy."

by Odiumjunkie April 23, 2005

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live action

Used to indentify an acted interpretation of an activity usually portrayed through animation. This phrase grew out of the trend of using adult anime (or hentai) to show types of pornography too physically challenging or obscene to show using normal pornography (for example pornography involving tentacles, popularised in "La Blue Girl"). "live action" attempts to recreate these activities with real actors and actresses.

This site had live action La Blue Girl, it was totally disgusting.

by Odiumjunkie February 27, 2005

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ninja edit

A ninja edit is an change made to a published post or article (typically on a bulletin board) that preempts the first response made. Often, the existence of the ninja edit is only made clear by a reference to the mistake or inconsistency in the original article by the response. In such a case, the author of the response began writing before the ninja edit, but submitted the response after the ninja edit had been made.

The phrase is made up of ninja, a much-revered warrior caste famed for their speed and agility, and edit, the process of changing a creative work.

The usefulness of ninja edits is typically hightened by bulletin boards that allow free editing of a post before any responses have been made, but make a mandatory note of any edits made after the first response has been made. Hence, if the author identifies the mistake, he or she must act quickly to rectify it before another poster replies.

Original post by X:
Hey! I had a really fun day today, I went to the beach with my boyfriend.

Y reads the original post.

X then edits the post to read:
Hey! I had a really fun day today, I went to the beach with my girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Y has written, and subsequently entered, the post:
HAHA! You have a boyfriend? j00r a fag!

Y then reads the edited original post, then enters the post:
Oh! Nice ninja edit!

In this case, the thread would read, to a party reading it at a later time:

X: Hey! I had a really fun day today, I went to the beach with my girlfriend.

Y: HAHA! You have a boyfriend? j00r a fag!

Y: Oh! Nice ninja edit!

by Odiumjunkie February 28, 2006

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