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Alicia’s are definitely not perfect, but they are wonderful. They love animals and follow their dreams. Alicia’s are lazy people and they get offended easily. She is a good friend and family member. Alicia’s are pretty, kind, and out of this world! Sometimes they are rude to others but don’t know it. They laugh at everything!

I always hear her laughing, that’s an alicia

by Partygirl39 January 9, 2018

14👍 4👎


Ria’s are true friends that u should never let go. A laid back, honest, trustworthy kind of girl. Ria’s are VERY intelligent. Everybody envies them. Ria’s love things and hate things. They will express their feelings to anyone they trust. If u ever get a chance to know a Ria, don’t leave her or let her leave you.

That smart girl is a Ria

by Partygirl39 January 9, 2018

13👍 4👎


Marissa’s are beautiful, crazy, sweet, loving and kind. They are okay girlfriends. Marissa’s are so hyper all the time and people love her! They like to show off what they can do and never stop talking. They can be rude and confusing at times but they are mostly loving and outgoing. They love chocolate!

Omg! She’s so hyper that’s such a marissa

by Partygirl39 January 9, 2018

8👍 5👎


The most amazing, crazy, hyper, smart, laid back, childish kind of girl. The sweetest and best person to ever have in ur life.

I love u so much ania

by Partygirl39 January 9, 2018

142👍 15👎