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The act of killing a newborn within twenty-four hours of its life. Though rare, it is more common among mothers than fathers.

Though the morality of abortion is debated, one cannot argue that neonaticide is murder.

by PrincessZeffie April 10, 2009


A chronic illness where victims lack the willpower to do anything requiring effort. The entire population suffers from this disease. There is no known cure.

Notice the man on the couch, watching television. He is a prime example of laziness.

by PrincessZeffie March 10, 2008

218👍 53👎


The act of judging something as useless.

The best example of "floccinaucinihilipilification" is the word itself, for most people would prefer say flat out something is useless, then to try and pronounce that word.

by PrincessZeffie March 20, 2009

70👍 22👎

Van Gogh Syndrome

The unexplainable desire to cut off one's own ear. Named after the artist who cut off his ear, then gave it to a hooker

Psychiatrist: It seems you have come down with Van Gogh Syndrome.
Patient: Holy shit! Is it fatal!?
Psychiatrist: Unfortunately yes, and the only cure involves a hamster and a barrel of chocolate pudding.

by PrincessZeffie February 26, 2008

17👍 7👎

epic fail

A term for when average everyday run of the mill failure, just doesn't cut it.

If you're going to succeed, good for you. If you're going to fail, make it an epic fail.

by PrincessZeffie July 15, 2008

21👍 33👎