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Fuck you

A very broad phrase that can be used in a multitude of situations. Want to cuss someone out for cutting you off on the highway? "Fuck you!". Friends are being dickheads? "Fuck you!". The phrase can be used in so many unique ways, as we know the average amount of words a human would produce in an lifetime is 860,341,500 words, so I encourage you to use this phrase at least 789,983,435 times. If you do not you will be publicly hanged.

Fuck you

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

10👍 3👎


A very vauge word used to describe ones temporary feelings for an individual, do not be afraid as what we know as 'Love' is only an chemical reaction in the brain which might compel animals to breed.

"I love you so much, we will always be together" - Every bad dream

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

1👍 12👎


To kick the stool, take the leap or swallow the pills, its all the same. One way or another you will find your needless worth on this earth and you will find your serenity through your dissociation or departure of life. Be brave and it will be over fast. Just make sure to leave a note :)

She didn't want to associate, so I had to dissociate.

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

9👍 48👎

5 Inches

a perfectly fine amount for a male to have. Do not be discouraged when woman laugh at your size as they do not even have 1 inch to start with.

Man, i whipped it out and she started laughing at my '5 Inches'.

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

167👍 17👎


a very effecient way to kill of a character in a movie or book.

Example used, "The Kissing Booth" Killing off Ellies mom with said "Cancer"

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018


A term used by angsty teenagers whom were recently rejected by the ones they have had feelings for. A.K.A (Normies who feel a lil bit of sadness)

Megan wont talk to me anymore so now im going to go down a tunnel of spiraling depression

by RealNiggaAndar May 31, 2018

3👍 3👎