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Place where fat people can live without worrying about being ridiculed for being morbidly fat.

Also a place where normal weight people would like to see fat people bannished to.

OMG!! Is that Suzie in a bikini? This is the beach, not Fatopia!

Look at Fred stuffing his pie hole with Little Debbies - he must be bucking for that one way ticket to Fatopia.

THIS IS AN AIRPLANE, DAMNIT!!!!! NOT FATOPIA, now get your rolling fat back in your own seat!!!

by Ricardovitz June 8, 2009

529πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Communist / Socialist measure of temperature. Combination of Celcius and Centegrade. Texas American slang for foreign temeprature measurement. The "Commie" way to measure temperature. .

English boy: "Mummy, Mummy, it's soooo hot here in Texas, it must be 30 degrees out and I think I am going to die.

Texas Man: "Shut yer trap, boy, we dern't use that thar commie Celtigrade 'round here it's only 90 degrees out and you ain't gonna die, ya little pissant.

by Ricardovitz August 21, 2009

487πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Quarter Squats

Verb: The act of a titty-bar whore squatting down on a stack of quarters and picking them up with her pussy. Performed in select sleazy titty-bars in Tijuana Mexico. The patrons all stack up quarters on the table for the dancer to squat down on - stuffing them insider her pussy, pick them up and drop them in her quarter jar by releasing them with her vaginal muscles.

Yo, me and Jose is going down to La Zona Notre to see some ho's doing quarter squats. Rafael said they do quarter squats at the Kinkle Bar. If you comming with us, then go hit up the quarter machine in the laundry first. You don't want to miss this act!

by Ricardovitz December 11, 2009

372πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


A person who is addicted to buying guns. Usually owns more than 20 guns and has a list of at least three more guns that he/she intends to purchase as soon as funds come available. Purchases more guns in a panic when Democrats get elected to office, or on rumors of anti-gun legislation. Also known to constantly surf the internet and gun auctions for deals on guns.

That Fred's a real gunoholic - he is constantly asking me to cover for him if his wife calls while he's picking up his latest firearm acquisition from his FFL (licensed firearms dealer).

by Ricardovitz May 12, 2009

527πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Flirpity Flirp

Velvety smooth. Plush new carpet soft. The sound that bare feet make when walking on brand new expensive plush carpeting. The sound and feel of super soft high dollar leather used on custom automobile interiors, when you gently run your hand over it.

Jo-Jo, that got to be the sickest 300 out right now....Strut grill..soft white leather seats go flirpity flirp, this guys got some coin....

Hey, baby, feel my new rug....goes flirpity flirp when my bare feed glide over it.

Now you know that's some good leather on that couch - I can just hear it going "flirpity flirp" while I'm banging Suzie on it.

by Ricardovitz July 8, 2009

516πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Urban Deject

Word or Phrase that is so profane, racist, or graphic that even Urban Dictionary refuses to publish it. Something that overly offends an Urban Dictionary editor, which is hard to do.

Yo, Shaniqwa, you think Urban Dictionary 'll publish this here word: nigezbopussyooze?

No, Kuzabia, that ugly word gonna get Urban Dejected, you know how those people is.

by Ricardovitz March 13, 2012

62πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Cartoon depiction of the Muslim Prophet, Mohammed. Tends to get Muslims in a blood-thirsty frenzy against the cartoonist who drew the funny pictures of Mohammed.

Hey, Sven, why'd you go and make a Mohammadoon showing Mohammed's head on a goat's body? You know those crazy Muslims are gonna go Jihad on your ass!

Today, Sweeden passed legislation prohibiting the publishing of Mohammedoons, but they can't stop Americans from publishing them.

I think Mohammedoons are outrageously funny, but they sure get our taxi dispatcher, Abda Hamed, screaming like a mad man in Arabic when he sees them.

by Ricardovitz March 22, 2010

355πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž