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Spartan dowry

300usd tossed into crypto, arbitrage her out a retirement and present as a dowry

I skipped the prenup and put a Spartan dowry in her wallet.

by Sardatep007 December 25, 2021

The Drapes

proper noun: where the draft comes from

slang: state-sponsored sex work; the female equivalent of the draft

German women found out that their unemployment benefits could be cut in half, should they not take any of the available jobs. Several of those jobs were in a brothel. THAT was when the tail-end of the unemployment line became known as The Drapes.

by Sardatep007 August 6, 2022


Overt passive aggression safely hidden from the intended target

His project IS better. If he wasn't so cuntfrontational about the whole thing, I'd have respected the move.

by Sardatep007 November 20, 2020


mead (honey wine) infused with cannibis

nogginfogger is a drinkable edible. It's 1/8oz cannibis, 2L mead; pressure cooker at 420 for 4m20s and resweeten as desired

by Sardatep007 June 30, 2024