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A Winnipeg DJ known equally for his stellar mash-ups and penchant for knitting tea cosies.

"Did you hear DJ Arbitrage at Mardi Gras last week?"

"Ya! His set was awesome! But what was with all the tea cosies?"

by winnipegluvah February 12, 2009

43👍 14👎


The purchase and immediate resale in another market of an item in order to profit from a price discrepancy.

Hey, Rob, I just made two points on the 03 paper arbitrage!

by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003

46👍 49👎

social arbitrage

Social Arbitrage v. (def.)
A collective of individuals usually on social media who come together in a think tank to make educated moves to make small and large profits from stocks, trading, cryptocurrency, etc. for the greater good of all who choose to participate.

Hey man #WallStreetBets just gave us a signal to buy and hold #TRX Tron to boost its value!

Since Robinhood blocked our buying option for GameStop stock we are gonna boost all the decentralized markets with social arbitrage henceforth!

by Damecash January 29, 2021

Arbitrage of deplorables

The natural phenomenon of horrible people migrating to services that don't want them until they're evenly spread, thereby removing the competitive edge of being able to claim that you don't serve horrible people.

Bob: I prefer to use X instead of Y, because they have fewer Nazis on the platform.
Jo: They used to, but there was an arbitrage of deplorables, and now they've got the local white nationalist cult using them.

by Werdenschmidt January 10, 2021

3👍 1👎

Craigslist arbitrage

To buy things on Craigslist, then resell them for a profit.

The purchase of items in one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.

I wasted much of my time playing World of Warcraft, I liked to slay dragons and fight zombies as much as the next guy. But what I really enjoyed was shopping at the in-game auction house. When you had stuff you didn't want, you could sell it to other players through auctions. I was practicing Craigslist arbitrage. And soon my lowly little wizard had a fortune of hundreds of gold pieces.

by Jadesqr August 23, 2011

2👍 3👎

geosexual arbitrage

using your status, wealth, skin color, nationality, or a combination thereof, to attract women (or men, but usually women) from less developed countries

Joe can use geosexual arbitrage to get a cuter girl in Colombia than he would be able to in the United States.

by h1231 July 18, 2022

2👍 7👎

Traffic Arbitrage

A procedure undertaken in heavy traffic conditions whereby the subject (a driver) constantly switches lanes to beat the average traffic speed. Particularly important in US of A where the leftmost lane is always taken

Nathan: With this traffic, I won't make it to the airport in time unless I pull some moves off
Bobby, 10 minutes later: That was sick Traffic Arbitrage bro

by SharmaAndShawarma October 2, 2015