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Romanian word meaning Devil. Term used to describe Lucifer or other evil denizens.
Originally used to describe Vampires since these folk were thought to have dealings with devilish creatures, it was used as the name for Bram Stokers main character in his 1897 Gothic Novel of that same name.

Person 1: That person is so shady and mysterious.
Person 2: Must be a Dracula.

Person 1: How did he know that? No one knows that!
Person 2: Well obviously he must be a Dracula. Only people who deal with evil would know that!

by SeeAbove April 6, 2015

5👍 2👎


Perfect, awesome, a God.
Occasionally: Insane, evil, awesome, perfect, etc.

Not that you really need an example but;
A: Hi
B: Hi
A: My name's Alex
B: *Bows* O' wondrous goddess, I am at your command

by SeeAbove December 18, 2013

12👍 9👎


Italy is cheerful and energetic. Italy loves pasta, pizza and cheese. Italy is awesome and the place to settle down near the end of life. Go Italy!!

A: Pasta!!!
B: Wow, you're sure an Italy today

A: I just feel like relaxing you know?
B: You should go to Italy then.

by SeeAbove April 7, 2015

2👍 3👎