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Sling some yoghurt on

Originally from Drawn Together, To Ejaculate on something

Sure it goes without saying I wasn't about to sling some yoghurt on an unconscious womans feed

by Snode February 19, 2023


A word used by people that support abortion to discreetly say they support abortion without

are you pro life? yeah i'm pro-lufe

by Snode February 5, 2023

Circle up

a term coined by drawn together get into a circle, pull down your pants and ejaculate on eachothers shoes

Okay everyone, Circle Up

by Snode January 31, 2023

4👍 2👎

Bowling Ball

A term for someone who is sexually permiscuous coined by Drawn Together

You're like a bowling ball, because you get fingered and thrown in the gutter 20 times a night

by Snode January 31, 2023


The act of making words that sound english with no proper meaning, blanicking itself being one

Blanicking is a good example of a word that sounds english but isn't

by Snode May 7, 2022

German Pornstars' Mouth

A term describing someone as Full of Shit

they ought to call you a german pornstars' mouth; because you're full of shit.

by Snode January 31, 2023

Dropping Snot

A term for Ejaculating coined by Drawn Together

I don't think we'd forget a sexual experience that doesn't involve dropping snot on eachothers shoes

by Snode January 31, 2023