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Generally whilst muntered, on a hunt for nothing in particular yet looking for something of interest.

Hey Senga ya bucket, check that double dunted cunt o'er there. He's heavy oot oan day release doin' a bit o' pure mad ploutering!

by Splocious January 15, 2012

Hairy beanbag

A ball sack under one's tadger with a solid coating in pubic velcro.

"Richard Gough's got a hairy beanbag" chanted with exuberant enthusiasm to highlight Richard's sole positive and defining physical feature.

"Check the nick of that cunt Gough's Hairy Banbag. It looks like a midget hairy Maggie caterpillar without the personality."

by Splocious May 24, 2020

Ya hoor ye

Generally denotes surprise in Scotland.

Mechanic : Any chance I can get some batteries for ma double ender please pal?
Storekeeper of the year: oh ya hoor ye, you must've been fair pummeling yerself . I gave you a full set yesterday.
Mechanic: aye, a was right in about it last night ken.

by Splocious May 6, 2019

sheik ma boaby

A direct contender to Big Eck as one of Govan Baws alter egos.

A no nonsense Arab renowned for getting 'Das Thunder Caber' out to bring the misbehaving young team into line.

Theres Govan Baws gone into full Sheik ma Boaby mode again. Did you see him skelp that wee fandan with Das Thunder Caber. Wee cu t didn't know what hit him. He's just lucky it wasn't Big Eck.

by Splocious August 6, 2023


Somebody who's idea of a good time is to exercise their gag reflex by ramming large cocks down their throat.

Check the state of that mad thrappler, he's flinging that disco banger down his throat like a runaway train.

by Splocious February 10, 2019

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Slug nut

Slug Nut

Two bushy eye brows that touch in the middle and look like two overtly hairy slugs going at it it like Roger Rabbit.

Raver #1: Check that cunt on the decks
going pure tonto, he's got some slug nut oan him.

Raver #2: Aye mate. They looks like they are about to pump gastropod stylee. Heavy slime.

by Splocious September 29, 2017

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Ideal word for folk that struggle with the word xenophobe but can't quite bring themselves to write racist.

That pant sniffer is a right racisit. He should know better.

by Splocious February 15, 2019

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