Source Code


A nonsense insult, inspired, I guess by felch. If any meaning is to be derived from it, I would assume that it is implying that the person in question resembles in some way an anus-full of semen, ,ready to be orally incorporated.
Given the kind of people I usually have cause to say this to, that's quite an apt description.

"Golly, you really are one almighty felchbox!"

by Stooo March 21, 2003

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The ordinal number '8' is often used in place of the phonemes that would make the sound 'ate' in written English.
I say 'often', I actually mean 'often (by bumpers)'
The habit could have originally developed among linux {fucktards in chatrooms, or 14 year old scrubbers text messaging on mobile phones. Either that or from 'old-school' rave act Altern8 (still DJ-ing in and around Stoke-on-Trent, kids!)
Whichever way you look at it, it looks shit and dosn't make you look cool.

"C U L8R M8!!!!!"

"He was a sk8r boi..."

"I'd rather menstru8 a ten ton w8 than write in such an illiter8 way, dude."

by Stooo March 21, 2003

268πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž


A known fan of the band phish( term coined in 1991 and widely used(

I was trying to enjoy the concert, but that Douchephag ruined it for everyone.

by Stooo September 14, 2018

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A city in Staffordshire, England. Stoke is famous across the world for it's pottery industry. Many fine brands such as Wedgewood and Spode originate from Stoke.
However, the pottery industry is currently dying a sorry and painful death, due to Mexican sweatshops being a far cheaper source of plates and cups than England, with all it's health and safety laws and 'minimum wage' bollocks.
This has resulted in Stoke, formerly a haven for academic under-achievers due to the thousands of manual jobs in pot-banks, becoming a ghost town populated by recently redundant, now-unemployable, skilless (unless you see 'Fettling and Sponging' as a skill) troglodytes wandering about having fights with each other and/or students from the two local universities.

'Stoke-on-Trent' is also Mockney rhyming slang for 'Bent'. If you ever visit the place, you will see what a splendid aptronym-cum-epithet this is.

"I live in Stoke-on-Trent."
"Oh, really? How come you can read/ write, then?"

by Stooo March 21, 2003

133πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


Not a piece of urban slang at all, but an important punctuation mark in written English, which I pride myself on knowing how to use correctly.
However, in my definition for Stoke-on-Trent, I have noticed that I made an error and put one in where it didn't belong (story of my life...).
Therefore, I'm putting this in to make myself feel better.
Wow, what a waste of your time if you read all that! Sorry!

It's only correct to put an apostrophe in "it's" if it's "it is", if not, it's "its".

by Stooo March 21, 2003

269πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


Grotesque act of social terrorism.
1) Spot someone you have little or no respect for at a social gathering.
2) Sneakily put your hand down the back of your own pants, and have a good rummage, exposing it to (how can I put this..?) ass-sweat.
3) Boldly run up to your target, extending the 'infected' hand for him/her to shake.
4) They are left with a stinky hand and complete ignorance of the insult they have been exposed to. You are left with an equally stinky hand, but also a sense of pride/victory.

Aka Shaolin Stinkpalm

"Beware the Shaolin Stinkpalm, you fool!"

by Stooo March 20, 2003

103πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Years from now, people will look back and smile in fond recollection of the nu-metal songs they used to sing in the playground when they were five years old.

Mummy, I can't sleep without my Linkin Park CD playing. Where's my teddy bear gone? Where's Chester? Mummy..?

by Stooo May 23, 2003

40πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž