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This state can Be Found In The Midwest United States. Also, more specifically, it can be found between the great states of Illinois and Ohio. What's in Ohio, people sometimes ask. I believe the more accurate question is this: What's in Indiana?
An Obsession With Professional Basketball (See Below.)
Summer Camps (Waycross, Hickory Hill, Gallahue Valley)
Fudge Shops (Southern Indiana; Nashville, specifically)
Beautiful Downtown Bean Blossom T-Shirts (Look at an atlas to locate Bean Blossom)
Brown County State Park
The James Dean Birthplace And Museum (James Dean was the only movie star to be born in Indiana; unfortunately, he was super famous (and died) in the 1950s.)
French Lick (where Larry Bird is from)
A Professional Basketball Team
Marsh Supermarkets
Auto Racing Up The Wazoo (The Indy 500 is the most well-known of these events)
Obsessive Weathermen Who Act As Though Even The Slightest Possibility Of Bad/Dangerous/Stormy Weather is the End of the World.
My Old House
Pig Factories That You Can Smell From the Highway
Camp Jellystone (Why anyone would go to this vacation spot masquerading as a trailer park is beyond me.)
A Highway That, If Followed Long Enough, Will Get You Up North (Chicago, for example).

The Indiana Pacers; you may know them as the team that got into a brawl with the Detroit Pistons during the 2004-2005 Season

by VTP August 30, 2005

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