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Fake Memories

When someone tries to retell a story or memory from the past but changes the details, usually to favor themselves.

Nima: Remember when I beat you in smash bros?
Mikey: No, I beat you and Navid!
Navid: No, you lost to Nima after you beat me, you got fake memories bro

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019

Fake Memories

When somebody tries to tell you a story or memory from the past but they change what happened, usually to favor them.

Nima: Rememebr when i beat you in smash?

Mikey: No I beat you and Navid
Navid: You got Fake Memories Mikey

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019


A person that stays in their burrow or home all day and doesnҀ™t leave it no matter what. A homebody

Nima: Want to hang out later?

Andre: No
Nima: Youre a molerat, you never want to hang out

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Amazon Prime and Grind

An better version of Netflix and Chill

Amazon Prime and Grind is the new trend
Damn man I feel like Jeff Bezos

by WinstonisChink August 13, 2020

Gum as hell

Gay + Dumb as hell

Nima: Elham you gum as hell
Elham: Whachu mean?
Nima: You be sayin dumb shit and actin gay and shit

by WinstonisChink March 30, 2019


When a girl doesnt want to say yes but doesnt want to say no, usually in a public situation like a promposal or proposal.

Winston: Want to go to prom with me?

Francesca: Sure.

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The sound a pig or a fat girl makes when they want to express themselves.

Nima: You hungry girl?
Athina: Oink!

Nima: Eat up

by WinstonisChink March 27, 2019

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