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verb. to remove from a sexual context.

When I decided I wanted to stay friends with my boyfriend, I gradually deconsexualized him so the jealousy wouldn't kill me.

You have such a dirty mind you couldn't deconsexualize if you wanted to!

by aoeuser October 29, 2009

1👍 1👎


One who lives in a state of compulsive ignorance.

He's been a real notsee about the tournament ever since he found out his team wasn't going to make it.

by aoeuser October 15, 2009

21👍 19👎

F bomb

An important tool in any man's cleaning repertiore, the Febreeze bomb neutralizes almost any odor. Generally refers to broad and/or heavy applications of Febreeze.

Jeffry's parents were pleased with how quickly he dropped the F bomb after tracking dog crap into the house.

by aoeuser December 10, 2009

30👍 17👎

like like

The affection between like and love.

"Love" is like "like like" like "like like" is like "like"!

by aoeuser January 22, 2011

112👍 49👎