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woohoo new songs learned on harp lets gooooo

Ania: Knock knock
Derek: *harp playing* BLACK HOLE SUN
Ania: ok.

by blackholesun12345 March 1, 2021


Ania is a person who will always help you when needed. She can be Polish sometimes, but her English ain't that bad. She likes MUSIC such as alternative rock and tries to play the guitar. Not bad at writing essays and stories. Pretty tall for a girl ngl, her hands are RED and COLD!!! BE CAREFUL WITH THAT THING.

Derek: What's wrong with your hands?
Louis: Dude idk, kind of an Ania thing m8.
Ania: *plays the guitar* BLACK HOLE SUN!!!
Derek: WON'T YOU COME!!!!
Louis: cringe.

by blackholesun12345 March 1, 2021