Source Code


Somebody who has a foreskin

"Look at that foreman."
"Dude, why the hell are you looking at his penis?"
"But.. he's a foreman."

by boxnoq April 20, 2006

57👍 48👎

Jick click

A small mistake which causes a huge disastrous event to occur.

From an online game, where the creator Jick accidentally deleted the entire database with a single click.

"Dude, why did you have to spill those thumb tacks on my box of condoms? Now she's pregnant, and her parents beat the crap out of me and my wife found out about my affair and shot herself."
"Sorry, it was a Jick click."

by boxnoq April 20, 2006

71👍 9👎


(Pronounced "goat slicker")

Someone who licks the goatse. Used as an insult.

Hey, goatselicker. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

My teacher is such a goatselicker.

by boxnoq September 12, 2006

22👍 6👎