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Many people, especially guys, think being pussy whooped is a bad thing!

Real men know it's not a bad thing and they won't have a problem letting you know they are indeed, pussy whooped!

It means that she puts it on you so good that you are discombobulated for a minute afterward and have to gather yourself together before saying anything or moving on with your day or getting yourself to sleep!

It means you would do most anything to have that pussy because you crave it so much!

Real men are proud to be pussy whooped!

"Man, my girl has me so pussy-whooped that my vision is blurred dog!"

by cheLLe1963 April 14, 2022

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Stephen, with a PH is the baby boy of a large and close knit family. He is blessed with beautiful eyes that stare right through to your very soul! He has a huge heart and will not allow anyone to take advantage of his family, friends or his girl or himself.

He doesn't like liars or fakes and he isn't afraid to call them out!

He's down to earth, extremely handsome, a gorgeous smile and a personality to die for! He has the sexiest voice of any man ever and he is not snooty or stuck up!

He's funny, honest, grateful, humble, respectful, charming, sexy, sweet, confident and extremely loyal!

He's a ride or die friend to the end and will protect those closest to him with all that he has and all that he is.

He doesn't play games in a relationship and he may not say those three little words, but he will SHOW you those three little words daily in the way he treats his girl and in his actions towards her.

She shows him the same, plus she shows him how much he has helped her through difficult times and she's sure to tell him how much he is appreciated!

He's a good man with that bad boy twist which makes him so desirable!

He handles his girl in the best way, like a professional, in a calm but firm manner. He's his girl's calm in the eye of the storm and he's forever her always!

He's her best friend and beyond!

If you have a StePHen with a PH, hold onto him tight bc you won't ever find another!

"Stephen is in charge of that particular part, so just ask him bc he will know the answer!"

by cheLLe1963 March 31, 2022

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Mary is a special angel and she's got a heart bigger than the entire galaxy for some people, not all people.

Mary is a loving friend, a loving wife and a loving mother who takes pride in her family and her home! She keeps her home well and organized and her grown children love helping her!

Mary will help her friends as much as she can because her big heart will let her do no less!

Mary loves her pit bulls, cats and chihuahuas that are housebound and they are her and her husband's joy!

Some like to take Mary's kindness for weakness but she is anything but weak! She's one strong lady that is no longer naive when it comes to people bc she's been hurt to much in the past, unfortunately!

If you have an angel Mary as your friend, mother or partner KEEP HER bc she is definitely a WINNER!

"My bestest friend, Mary, is the most wonderful friend in the whole world!"

by cheLLe1963 May 6, 2021

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The word "dick-whooped" means that the female has been totally enraptured and is in complete awe of her male counterpart. He, basically, has laid the dick to her so damn good that she is ready for him, any time he wants to have sex in the future. That is being "dick-whooped"! It also means that he has made her climax 100+ times in every sex encounter they had from day one!

It is a big honor to be labeled "dick-whooped" because all the other females wish it was them that particular male was having sex with! They are jealous of her while she looks at them with pity because she has nothing to be jealous of. She then humbles herself to her male counterpart ("her Poppy") as he continues his "dick-whooping" dates with her!

***See the female counterpart in the definition for pussy-whooped!

"Stephen has dick-whooped me and can anytime he wants too!"

by cheLLe1963 September 7, 2020

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Rodney is a good looking young man that is super intelligent with an intense charismatic personality that draws people to him.

Rodney is quiet most of the time and very vocal the rest of the time! He's got a real of tha wall sense of humor but the truth is he's got one of the most genuine smiles in the entire world!

Rodney is very picky when it comes to the ladies that he dates and with whom he chooses to be partnered up with! He has the type of good looks that are considered rugged yet he also looks like he could be a librarian.

He's a tech nerd with the skills of the CEO of a fortune 500 company! He's a die hard friend that sticks to his partna's like glue.

People respect Rodney bc he demands respect in the way he carries himself throughout any given day. He loves to read and he likes to reminisce over the magazines he's collected over the years!

If you have Rodney as a best bud then you know he's your best bud for life! Rodney will blindly have your back bc he knows how crucial loyalty is between neighbors.

Rodney also has one of the most infectious laughs that I've ever heard so whenever I hear Rodney laugh, I know his face is also lit up with a very nice, shiny smile!

Rodney is one of those kind of people that you automatically want to keep when you meet him!
He's DEFINITELY a keeper, so when you are blessed with a Rodney, don't ever let him go!

Rodney smiled wickedly to himself, keeping the joke to himself bc if he hadn't, the teacher was going to take immediate action!

by cheLLe1963 April 30, 2021

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Jody Christopher

Jody Christopher is a young man that is fiercely loyal to his partner, family and true friends!

Jody Christopher is quiet but believe me his thoughts are on point with the things he wants to accomplish in his life. Never underestimate Jody's intelligence or his ability to see right through fake people, liars and snakes.

Jody Christopher is a very loving father and his family is everything to him! He's a very sweet, observant, kind, has great character, respectful, trustworthy, faithful and a cool personality!

Jody Christopher will protect his loved ones until the end and although life has challenged him several times during his journey through his days, he remains steadfast in his beliefs and convictions.

Jody Christopher may not say a lot but NEVER think him weak bc he's a very strong and chill dude. He may get down at times and he does know the struggle but he always makes a comeback by not staying down or depressed.

Jody Christopher is an exemplary friend, partner and parent that never gives up and that's what's up! His true blue friends love him so much!

If you are lucky enough to have a Jody Christopher in your life, feel honored bc he's the coolest guy ever, just don't let him get away!

"Hayyyyyy, don't try to play me bc Jody Christopher will make sure you regret it for real fr!"

by cheLLe1963 August 11, 2023

Stephen Paul

Stephen with a PH Paul is a loyal, caring, rugged man who has the biggest heart in the world! He's a nice looking, sensitive and hard working man, who goes above and beyond with helping his friends and sometimes to people who don't deserve it! They call him names, accuse him of being a cheater (((he's not any of those rachet things that those stupid and fake sluts say)))
and of bring a liar and a thief. He just takes it in stride and helps them anyway;-(

Stephen with a PH Paul is a devoted son, father, partner and friend. He's very sweet with a sweet smile, which makes him all the more attractive!

If you ever are blessed enough to find a Stephen with a PH Paul, treat him with respect and love. Keep him bc he's a keeper for sure!

"Wow, Stephen Paul is such a cool and righteous dude for sure, don't you think!"

by cheLLe1963 August 11, 2023