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Friend Squeal

A high pitched noise produced by humans (typically girls) when they have spotted a friend (usually at a bar). The pitch of the squeal is directly proportionate to the amount of alcohol that has been consumed and/or the amount of time that has passed between seeing said friend.

After consuming a number of shots, Nancy let out a friend squeal when she saw her old friend Tammy walk into the bar.

by coleyw November 26, 2017

last resort friend

A friend or acquaintance you call to hang out with when you desperately want to go out but none of your other friends are available. Sadly we all know one or have been one.

None of my friends are available to go out but I really want to do something... I'll call Clint he's my last resort friend.

by coleyw November 25, 2015

14👍 2👎