Source Code


1. Short for typographical error (mistake when typing, not indicative of not knowing how to spell)
2. used as an excuse when can't spell
3. synonym for fuck you, to those who point out any slips you've made, even if non typing related

1. Teacher: "Your paper shows THERI as an answer when it should be THEIR"
You: Sorry, typo
2. Teacher: "Your paper shows THEIR as an answer when it should be THEY'RE"
You: Sorry, typo
3. Teacher: "You put LONDON as an answer, when it's actually PARIS"
You: Typo!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada September 14, 2010

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cheeses price

euphemism for using "Jesus Christ!" as a profanity.

Cheeses price! Tell your fucking dog to stop trying to fuck me when I'm fucking you, or we're through!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada April 12, 2012

Dewey test

drunk test (i.e. DUI test)

Ben's blonde girlfriend texted that she was late becauuse the cops gave her a Dewey test by making her walk along a white piece of tape while toching her nose and saying the alphabet backwards.

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada April 19, 2015


best friend (usually used by females)


Penny gets majorly creeped out by how Amy keeps stalking her & calling her bestie

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada February 26, 2012

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pastel lesbian

A usually teenaged girl who plays at being a lesbian. Noted for claiming fealty to famous lesbian or feminist personas.

Caroline Konsnstnar is the funniest teen pastel lesbian YouTube vlogger.

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada April 11, 2021

baking up

To start the day by smoking a joint
aka wake and bake

The best part of waking up is baking up!
Wake and bake, man! That's my entire philosophy!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada May 26, 2009

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vagina repellent

See truck nuts and skinny jeans
Or any other gross display that men think shows masculinity but really just ensures the gays know where they are.

"Duuuude, did you come out & I missed it?"

What the fuck you mean, man?
"You've got double vagina repellent going on -- you've got truck nuts on your Ford & you're wearing the gayest pair of skinny jeans I've ever seen.

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada July 16, 2023