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Like stink, stank is a type of smell that you associate with being bad and good. Like a vagina or fish.

Yo, I love that pussy stank.

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 February 27, 2021


short for peninsularaturies, long for penis.

I have a long peninsula.

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 November 27, 2019

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A common feminine name.
2. A woman who is characterised by the following-
self entitled, rude, racist, has a failed marriage, shitty bob haircut, usually a mother, anti vaxx, anti mask, vegan, highly religious, anti video game, anti 5G, flat earther, anti science, usually between 30-60 years (can be older or younger too), likes to create a scene, white, demands to see the storeรขย€ย™s manager, modern feminist etc.

Karen is not a racial slur.

Look at that Karen, creating a scene!

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 August 17, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

how do i type

please help

guys how do i type

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 February 27, 2021


Spandan is a very soft and humane person who understands your problems. He is good at topics related to wildlife, flora and fauna etc. However, he sucks at math. But,overall, he is a good person. He is also very clumsy.

Oh yeah! Did I forget to tell you he is also gay?

Joe: Spandan is love, Spandan is life.

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 November 22, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


eeyaya is the source of all power and greatness of the entire uni/multi/omni/para verse. without the gift of eeyaya nothing would exist. not even nothingness will exist. eeyaya is the chi that flows through our veins. eeyaya is the force which balances all the elements in the multi-dimensional space we exist in. however, the power of eeyaya, if in the wrong hands and used wrongly, can result in mass warps in the space-time continuum, ruptures in the bonding fabric of time, breaches in the law of the para dimensions and summoning of evil forces...

joe: yes! After years of training and meditation I think I have mastered the power of EEYAYA!
yuri: I donรขย€ย™t believe you.
joe: (snaps yuri out of existence using power of eeyaya)

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 November 22, 2019


Usually in normal conversations stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease however in the 90s, kids referred it to a shitty gaming device that barely worked. People often got confused about this and it often led to hilarious situations such as the one in the example.

Student(for show and tell): Hey guys, my mom gave me an STD on Christmas.
Everyone: Cool!

The Teacher: *confused expressions*

by eeyayaCoolGuy20 December 21, 2019

177๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž