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pen you in

A play on the phrase "pencil you in" but adds additional emphasis on the intention of the commitment.

remley: hey wanna get some sushi tomorrow?
erica: most deff. i will pen you into my schedule.

by erieee December 14, 2009

4759πŸ‘ 2482πŸ‘Ž

bathing bra

Bikini tops that are worn in place of a bra, normally covered by a tank top, wife beater, or shaggy old vintage beach tee. Bathing Bras are worn when one has the intention of going to the beach, pool, or fitting into a socal stereotype during the summer months of the year. Used as a support system, even though we all know bikini tops don't provide that much support...

Michael: Why are you always wearing your bikini top under your tanks?

Erica: This isn't a bikini top, this is a bathing bra dude.

by erieee December 14, 2009

28πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

sick as heck

Synonym to hella sick or rad; phrase used to describe moments, items, or ideas that are truly legitimate.

Dude the waves at ocean beach are always sick as heck.

by erieee December 27, 2010

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

reverse brown nosing

When the person you were previously sucking up to starts brown nosing you; also known as backwards brown nosing.

At first I was sucking up to Felly, but then she started reverse brown nosing me and complimenting me all the time!

by erieee January 13, 2010

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

california state of mind

A play on the phrase "new york state of mind"; the act of thinking, acting, and possessing the traits of a true californian. Such characteristics include frequenting the beach, using slang known only to true californians, eating beach cuisine like acai bowls, or operating a vehicle like a california driver. Most people with the california state of mind are not afraid to set trends or act differently than non-californians because they know deep down the californian way is always right (excluding the economy). Having a California State of mind is closely tied with being under the influence of californication, and can be seen in one's laid back, dgaf-like personality.

That dude totally has the california state of mind; he listens to trendy indie music in the car while eating a california burrito, talking on the phone, and going 85 mph on his way to ocean beach.

by erieee June 18, 2010

63πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

breakin it

a slang term used to describe one is taking a break from work or strenuous activity.

michael acts like he doesn't even have to study for finals; he is always breakin it.

by erieee December 11, 2009

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a text sent to correct one's mistake in spelling or in meaning; usually begins with an asterisk (*) and follows a text with an intended/unintended error.

text: hey Evan I heard you were dick
corrext: *sick

by erieee December 11, 2009

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž