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A hobby that is your job

My jobby is masturbating.

by fluffypenis June 23, 2016

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A mentally challenged Linux

Son, you computer is retarded. It has lunix.

by fluffypenis August 25, 2018

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Type B Pooper

Somebody who's shits are not aligned to a schedule. They shit at random times. This is the most common time

Lisa is a type b pooper. She does not shit on a schedule.

by fluffypenis July 31, 2016

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math fatigue

When you've done so much math that you lose your ability to do any more of it

I had a really hard math test today, so I have math fatigue. I can barely add or subtract

by fluffypenis September 6, 2017

russian street racing

A suicidal game consisting of driving on the wrong side of the road at full speed, usually at night. Typically, the brake lines are cut beforehand to prevent cheating or pussying out. Participants begin by entering the wrong side of a freeway or major street using an off ramp, and drive as fast as they can, swerving in and out of traffic. The winner is the last person remaining, or whoever reaches a set point in the road first. Use of the shoulder, center lane, or other surface not usually used for driving is prohibited.

Vlestenov: Hey Kovmar, wanna play some russian roulette?
Kovmar: No, that shit's old. Russian street racing is the new thing.
Vlestenov: Woah, that sounds so cool!
Kovmar: It is! Wanna race me tonight down the 405?
Vlestenov: Hell yeah! I can't wait!

by fluffypenis March 6, 2019


When engaing in a debate and a person says something so outlandishly stupid, incoherent, or contradictory, that their opponent is left utterly speechless and dumbfounded. Usually used as a last last resort by somebody who's losing a debate and who knows his premise is invalid.

They don't want to debate. All they want to do is thunderstrike you.

by fluffypenis June 1, 2019


cocaine for kids

i just ate candy and now i feel like im on cocaine

by fluffypenis September 12, 2014

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