Source Code

catch 22

Basically a dilemma. Something that happens which you can't escape from, so basically you are probably gonna be in trouble anyway.

A roundabout- never ending.

"I'm in a catch 22, they're gonna find out sooner or later and i'm gonna be in trouble anyway"

by gdlun April 16, 2006

15👍 48👎

billie joe armstrong

A very talented musician, who plays guitar, drums, harmonica, mandolin and piano (and i'm sure a whole lot more). He is the lead singer of a musically talented band called Green Day. He's been singing since he was about 4 and I have to admit the singing has paid off. He's got one of the best rocker voices known to man! He writes most of the songs for Green Day and is very good with that!
He is married and has 2 kids and I find it very disturbing that 14 year old girls are turned on by a 34 year old happily married man with kids. Find someone your own age!

Teen : Omg i love Billie joe armstrong he is like my future husband!
Me : You know he's married right?
Teen : What? Your kidding right?
Me : Nope, plus he's got 2 kids!
Teen : No my life has ended!!!!
Me : For gods sake.. he's 34! and your 14!!!
Teen : So?
Me : What has this world come to?!!!!

by gdlun May 6, 2006

79👍 28👎