Source Code

windows 2000

Probably the only fast and stable OS Microsoft has ever made. Windows 2000 (aka: Win2k) is based on the NT 5.0 kernel and is the predecessor to Windows XP, it's obese cousin.

Win2k will run almost all software made for WinXP, but since M$ wants your money, they have begun to intentionally cripple software to only work under WinXP, eg; Windows Media Player 10.

Being both fast and stable, this was contrary to Microsoft's commitment to bloated and buggy software, so Windows XP was released to address the issues with Windows 2000.

by generic June 18, 2005

219πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


A Canadian computer hardware company, ATI Technologies (spelt ATi) is well known for their Radeon line of graphics chips. Their greatest rival is nVIDIA, and the two companies are forever in a war to outdo each other. As a result, there's an almost equal split between ATi and nVIDIA graphics card owners, who are also in a perpetual state of slagging each other off. (see fanboy)

Normal person: I'll get the one that's the best performance / value.

by generic May 19, 2005

317πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


Originally developed as ARPANET in the US as a means for various institutes to communicate with each other even in an event such as war. The Internet has grown into a worldwide computer network where anyone can have a chat with anyone else almost anywhere in the world, and is a vast sorce of free information.

However, the Internet is slowly being clogged up with crap such as adware, spyware and viruses can spread like wildfire, not to mention that it is the biggest porn archive known to man.

Person A: I'm going on the Internet.
Person B: Pervert.

by generic May 10, 2005

133πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

couldn't care less

The proper way to express how you don't give a crap about something - you really don't care about something and it's impossible to not care any more. The common but incorrect variant "could care less" (which would technically imply that you do care about something) is widely used because of either a translation mistake into English, or those who blindly use phrases without taking a moment to understand their actual meaning.

Person A: A company just got sued for patent infringement!
Person B: *yawn* Oh really? I couldn't care less.

by generic June 10, 2006

615πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


WMD - Acronym (Weapon of Mass Destruction): An implement of war utilized to inflict mass casualties. These weapons typically fall into three categories: Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear.

Chemical Weapon - Using a caustic, non-biological agent to harm living entities.

Biological Weapon - Using a living organism (disease, virii, etc.) to harm living entities.

Nuclear Weapon - Utilizing an uncontrolled nuclear fission reaction (atomic bomb) and/or radioactive materials ("dirty bomb") to cause destruction to living entities and inanimate objects.

Needless to say, the production, possession, trade, and use of WMDs is and will remain a topic of contention and controversy.

A "Neutron Bomb" is a fictional WMD. In theory, it uses a powerful (so far fictional) agent "Red Mercury" to cause a massive flux of energy. It causes no concussive blast, but annihilates all living organisms within a large radius.

by generic January 3, 2004

254πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


nVIDIA is a computer company well known for their GeForce line of graphics chips (they only make the chips and sell it to card vendors) and nForce line of high performance chipsets. nVIDIA had the reputation of being the leader in the graphics section, although their rival ATi has quickly closed the gap in recent years and now the two companies are locked in a never ending graphics war, with both sides briefly getting an upper hand here and there.

nVIDIA fanboy: ATi sucks.
ATi fanboy: nVIDIA sucks.

by generic May 19, 2005

616πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


A gaming platform made by Valve software that can auto update games and has a built in IM client (Friends). Despite having a very buggy release, it is now a solid system, although idiots who have nothing better to do still whine since it crashes on their spyware infested PC, or their warez copy of Half-Life no longer works.

Person A: Steam sucks! It never works!
Person B: Get rid of that 2GB of spyware then FFS!
Person A: OMG! Steam works now!
Person B: Duh...

by generic October 23, 2004

51πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž