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you know the drill

an expression meaning "you know what to do, no questions required".

answering machine greeting: "yeah its hipster, you know the drill."
.... beeeep!

by hipster June 2, 2004

656πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

same old, same old

redundant and repetitive way of saying "the same old thing" or "nothing new"

"I'm always workin', slavin', every day.
gotta take a break from the same old, same old".

-from the song "(don't need) nothing but a good time" (Poison)

by hipster June 14, 2004

328πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


to be dragged into a situation, most of the time unwittingly, that you otherwise wouldn't necessarily want to be a part of

-from "winch", a device installed on the front of a watercraft trailer, consisting of a reel of cable turned by a motor, with a hook at the end of the cable, to pull in a boat or other marine vehicle from out of the water.

"Todd and his gf won't be able to join the rest of us at the cottage for the long weekend, somehow they got winched into helping his sister move.....suckers!!"

by hipster April 22, 2007

141πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

monkey suit

slang word for a tuxedo

damn, wearing that monkey suit was hell....it was like 110 in the shade....that's the last time I get married in July!

by hipster May 21, 2007

435πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


people in thier teens to 20s who generally listen to indie rock, hang out in coffee shops, shop at the thrift store and talk about things like books, music, films and art.

I saw a bunch of hipsters hanging uot at the coffee shop today.

by hipster July 11, 2004

3585πŸ‘ 3835πŸ‘Ž

on ice

delayed or postponed

we're gonna put the plans for the new place on ice for a little while.

by hipster November 20, 2004

279πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


verb: to "kill" someone - literally or figuratively

"if you ever bring up my ex's name around my current squeeze again.....so help me dude, I WILL flatline you!"

"I heard one of the perps got flatlined by the cops at that liquor store robbery last night."

by hipster November 18, 2006

267πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž