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1) an emoticon some people use as an act of being 'cute.'

2) a face someone makes when constipated.

1) oh gosh! i'm so sorry! >_<

2) UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why so much painn????? >_<

by insxmniac March 29, 2022

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

amber heard

imma just tell the whole thing for clueless people
amber heard is basically a woman married to johnny depp. their marrige quickly ended in 2016 when miss heard filed some divorce papers.
she claimed that johnny depp physically abused him and has been doing it for years, obviously a lie will eventually be exposed. so then the secret later on spilled all over the internet and now people absolutley DESPISE her for her doing.
now depp is suing amber for $50 because of her lies.

did you hear what amber heard did?
yeah, people are calling her amber TURD because it rhymes with heard now

by insxmniac May 24, 2022

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

helikopter helikopter

an amazing song written by a singer that goes by the name fazlija.
seriously everytime people hear that song people start flying
did you hear what happened to jerry?

*helikopter helikopter starts playing*
chris: jerry where are you- OH MY GOD HOW ARE YOU FLYING
jerry: para kofer para kofer.

by insxmniac May 24, 2022

the rice purity test

a purity test created by rice university. yes. im actually being legit. the rice purity test is to test how oure you are, if you have 100. you are very pure and if you get a 0 you are the unholiest of unholy people. i got 100. im not joking.

hey! did you hear? dante from class 4e got a 28 on the rice purity test!

by insxmniac May 20, 2022

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


buddy did you really get so bored that you searched up THE ALPHABET on urban dictionary?
or did you just search it up for another reason?

person1: hmmm, what shall i search up?

person2: how about ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ' ?
person1: okay!

by insxmniac March 25, 2022

travis scott

travis scott is a rapper that a lot of people dislike because at one of his concerts 8 people have died and there is a clip of a man trying to stay alive and travis was just looking at him and continued to sing. he said on his instagram story Γ’Β€Β˜if i could stop it i wouldҀ™. some people are still holding onto it. but his music isn't that bad.

dude do you know what travis scott did at one of his concerts?

by insxmniac March 25, 2022

15πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


the most cutest name ever. if your name is rae, the award for the best name goes to you :)

also the spelling error of 'are.'

i became rae's best friend

no way, really? you're so lucky!

i know right!

by insxmniac March 29, 2022