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white supremacist

A skinny little white guy with a overblown inferiority complex who for some strange reason known only to psychology experts thinks the Caucasian race is superior to every other. Being on average of a height between 5"7 and 5"9, and weighing in at around 145-160lb these dumb fucks will gladly (and foolishly) take on any 6"2" Islander one on one, only to end up in the ER within 15 minutes pissing blood from every orifice.

Those white supremacists are dumbasses! They go on about how the white race is both physically and intellectually superior to every other, then they take on some black guy twice their size and prove otherwise.

by johnnylongprong April 5, 2009

1884πŸ‘ 1379πŸ‘Ž


A trekkie is a super nerd whose definition of a life is watching star trek all day and collecting star trek memorabilia. Lost their 'virginity' to a well-lubed sunglasses case lined with crab meat and plastic wrapping foil stuck between the bed and the mattress, with a facial photo of their favorite female character stuck to the pillow. Either that or their hand. First time they saw a chick's box was in a Penthouse magazine.

The documentary 'Trekkies' has countless examples of what makes a trekkie.

by johnnylongprong March 8, 2009

20πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

Fanny Fringe

Pubic hair on a lady's vagina.

Oh man, lady you gotta trim that fanny fringe it looks you used a can of Regaine as a dildo and it leaked!

by johnnylongprong March 3, 2009

12πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Turtlehead syndrome

When a fat man acquires so much fat around his groin his willy retracts inward to the point that only his bell-end is poking out.

Turtlehead syndrome is one of the most dreaded symptoms of morbid obesity in men.

by johnnylongprong March 3, 2009

15πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

piss tank

an alcoholic.

Man, I'm such a piss tank.

by johnnylongprong January 24, 2009

29πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

cack packer

A homosexual, with reference to the act of sodomy.

Elton John is a cack packer.

by johnnylongprong January 24, 2009

8πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

plod squad

A group of police officers, or the police in general.

One time I robbed a convenience store and the bastards got the plod squad onto me.

by johnnylongprong January 24, 2009

11πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž