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(adv.) when a severly fat person orders an assload of food but finishes the order off with "and a large DIET coke"

i'm tired of al's fatassery! he always says, "i'll have 2 big macs, supersize fries, apple pie & a large DIET coke, please."

by junewho October 18, 2006

69👍 9👎

thought bubble popped

when you say something out loud that you REALLY shouldn't!

if i had hair that pretty blonde, i wouldn't dye my roots black.
oh hell, did i say that? my bad. my thought bubble popped.

by junewho February 20, 2009

4👍 1👎


noontime or lunch hour sex

hey feelin' flunchy?

by junewho March 7, 2006

10👍 4👎


taking a break from something you SHOULD be doing to masterbate just because you have the time

Im tired of folding clothes. think I'll take a masterbreak.

by junewho July 11, 2008

17👍 3👎

Pinkie Points

what a guy really looks to earn by doing good deeds in hopes of gettin laid.

i'm gonna move this heavy dresser like my girl wants me to. maybe i'll earn enough pinkie points to finally get lucky or @ least get me a coochie coupon

by junewho February 9, 2009


one who can't hit a golfball in a straight line to save their life!

"look where you're hittin that damn ball you shankosaurus! i'm in the freakin' parking lot!"

by junewho February 22, 2009

D & B Jeans

dick & ball jeans, having jeans on so tight that it seems like they were made specifically to show off your package nut cutters nut huggers

lamont sanford from sanford & son was sure to ALWAYS wear his D & B jeans.

by junewho February 8, 2007

91👍 44👎