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Refers to a marathon of the popular ye semi-deposed series Made on MTV. This usually happens in the wee hours of the morning or on weekends when better programmes are unavailable. Madeathons are highly addictive and almost impossible to pry oneself away from.

Sorry dude, I can't go out tonight, there's a madeathon on MTV.

by khrushchev June 22, 2007

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no shit, son

a phrase used when the sayer of the phrase wishes to express knowledge of an aforementioned statement, regardless of the context.

Person A (To a Metallica Fan): You know nothing about the lyrical stylings and intricacies of Ben Folds.
Person B: No shit, son.

Person A: I just realized the clouds are blue.
Person B: No shit, son.

by khrushchev April 18, 2007

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mice pace

The rate at which a group of mice move, not to be confused with Myspace. The term was coined by comedian Demetri Martin in a promo video for Just for Laughs.

The much less popular website, micepace.com. Mice pace.

by khrushchev June 21, 2007