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backstabbing slut

someone who makes out with someone, tells you, then denies it. That person can include their best friend's boyfriend or girlfriend. They also tend to cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend alot. They tend to go out with people for about an hour - 3 weeks. Anything beyond that means theyre going out with someone who doesnt care that they cheat. Many of them have different names and different ethincities depending on the day.

Emily is such a backstabbing slut she keeps trying to steal my bf, but she has her own and shes already had 42.

by mp_thug_for_life_yo September 24, 2006

23👍 24👎


your current husband

The asshole's wife couldn't stop him from pooping on the toliet seat

by mp_thug_for_life_yo October 29, 2006

22👍 22👎


a thug like gansta who likes to pimp hoes. Also known as a manwhore.

That guy is such a hanz, he hired like 20 hookers last night.

by mp_thug_for_life_yo August 31, 2006

89👍 46👎


someone who meets these similarties between them and hohos

1. sounds like a whore but isnt
2. comes in a pack of 42... has had 42 boyfriends
3. nobody knows whats in them but you know theyre full of crap
4. they arent good for you at all
5. people avoid them
6. they look good but are only good in moderation

emily is such a hoho; she always cheats and says shes mexican but shes not.

by mp_thug_for_life_yo September 25, 2006

20👍 12👎