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Refering to sexual intercourse in the past tense.

Dude, don't be pissed, but I did your sister last night.

by mr.corruption June 2, 2005

30πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

starfish sex

Sex where the girl's arms and legs are spread as far apart as possible, like a starfish. Legs open wide, arms out, and a very bored look on her face as she rolls her eyes and waits for the guy to be done.

While he thought they were having makeup sex, in her mind she had basicly surrendered to giving him silent angry starfish sex.

I don't care if all I get outta her is starfish sex. She ain't nothin' but a bang piece anyway.

by mr.corruption June 21, 2005

2656πŸ‘ 1521πŸ‘Ž

L bomb

When someone unexpectedly tells you that they love you. Usually comes out of the blue when you least expect it and are not prepared to respond.

Dude! Shannon totally dropped the L bomb on me last night!

-- Damn. What did you do?

I said 'I love you too'.

-- You pussy.

by mr.corruption July 13, 2005

905πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


A Texas Hold-em poker hand of 2 face down starting cards consisting of a King and a Three.

Marc went all-in with the Grabowski.

by mr.corruption March 11, 2005

27πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A grotesque and gigantic monster-like scrotum.

Come over here darling and give Scrotesqueula a big kiss.

by mr.corruption May 20, 2020


Being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time.

I can't get a date anymore because my stalker ex-girlfriend is always popping up like an ubiquitous psycho.

by mr.corruption July 12, 2005

130πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


Non-offensive gender ambiguous term for a cowboy or cowgirl.

"Don't squat with your spurs on!" said the cowbody, as ze rode off into the sunset.

by mr.corruption May 20, 2020