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Word Patapon fans use when something very unfortunate happens, such as dying in a long doi game, getting dumped by their girlfriend (which would mean they're not Patapon fans since they are legally disallowed from having such a relationship) and getting mugged on the street

Example 1:
- man we were on floor 420 and had like 69 pink jeweled chests, had you summoned in time we wouldn't have died
+ ochinda

Example 2
+ you have been playing that stupid eyeball game for the past 4 days non-stop and haven't showered since you got it, I'm leaving you
- ochinda
(then the patapon fan wakes up with his Naughtyfins bodypillow)

by null301 June 28, 2023


bitchass fish from Patapon 3 that is very stupid and should be banned from vs and the game

probably has an onlyfans for 1,000,000 Ka-ching

Naughtyfins after being thrown into a rusty woodchipper: ochinda

by null301 October 30, 2023

roblox sex dungeon

roblox sex dungeon
Any means of exit are unknown, subjects known to escape wish to remain anonymous due to intense paranoia and trauma.
one usually wakes up in such a place after a nut induced coma caused by excessive amounts of hornyness, mtn dew, cheetos and an old pizza slice under one's seat.
initial symptoms of exposure to its environment are: confusion, constant woods with immediate need of chopping, intense sweating, instantaneous need of new trousers, arrhythmia and, massive weight loss (as to not destroy the facility with the average individual who most likely enters' weight), and possibly death.
founded in 4/3/2021
It is said it's located under someone's basement, under, not in, nicknamed "Maggie" no more information is available at this time, if I were to leak more information I would get my entrails eaten by wild monkeys.
They took my family.
The original owner of the apartment complex being used for the facility is currently being held hostage in Kazakhstan, awaiting for his organs to be harvested.

Person 1: roblox sex dungeon
Person 2: roblox sex dungeon
Person 3: sex is not real, wake up, there are better things.

Person 1 and 2 then proceed to maul Person 3

by null301 May 2, 2022

11👍 1👎


"Fireblasting" verb
To masturbate to the thoughts of one's peers or strangers, with no shame whatsoever
usually announced publicly by the perpetrator.

Person 1: Dude, that guy just fireblasted to my girlfriend, that's creepy as hell!
Person 2: Yeah, I know right? He's done it to me too.

Person 3 : I think i should do some fireblasting tonight, Juan's mom is HOT!

by null301 October 9, 2022


Mr.Criper is the type of guy that says he's straight but at the other day is sucking his walk-er boyfriend, uses to say kitrusi, cusio and other funny nosense word, also makes music on fl studio

Someone: Hello i maed something
Mr.Criper: "maed"

by null301 March 3, 2020