Source Code


code name for weed

hey, lets chill with gandhi after school today.

by pothead January 15, 2004

36πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž


high as fuck...nuder inluence of WEED...high in the sky

i got baked today with my firedn, i almost passed out

by pothead August 7, 2003

3952πŸ‘ 685πŸ‘Ž

cake and sodomy

another one of marilyn manson's sick, twisted, yet amazing lyrics

"white trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy!"

by pothead April 17, 2005

106πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


high off ur ass.
the best thing in the world.
me, rite now

i just hit my bowl and i madd ripped

by pothead October 11, 2003

1174πŸ‘ 448πŸ‘Ž


roman numerals for 4:20

IV:XX on a t-shirt can mask 4:20

by pothead May 2, 2004

114πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

happy bag

A bag of weed that you either got for free, already made back your money on, or got for free. You are happy because the entire thing can be smoked free of charge for yourself

I bought a quarter pound, sold some, when all was said and done I made back my money and had an ounce for a happy bag.

by pothead January 7, 2004

46πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a loser wh thinks that school is cool

hey look at the GreatestThinkerEver he is passing everything

by pothead January 13, 2005

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž