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piss dick

a condition whereupon an uncut male fails to spend an adequate amount of time shaking the piss out of his dick, leaving it trapped under the foreskin. often creates a stinging sensation and/or a terrible warm piss smell.

Jesus my cockhead is stinging... I must have some serious piss dick going on!

by ronnie_e April 17, 2010

132👍 33👎

no clean up days

masturbation before hitting puberty. your body doesnt produce sperm yet so youre not shooting any semen during orgasm, hence not having to "clean up" any jizz after youre done.

I started jerking off when i was 8 years old. I enjoyed no clean up days up until i was 12 yrs old.

Goddammit, I didnt start jerking off until high school. i missed out on no clean up days.

by ronnie_e September 23, 2009

138👍 26👎

eating eggs like jeremy irons

when you entirely peel a hard boiled egg and eat it while holding it in your hand a la jeremy irons in die hard 3 when hes talking to maclean right after he shoots samuel l jackson in the leg.

I'm eating eggs like jeremy irons

by ronnie_e September 23, 2009

143👍 41👎

bookshelf ass

a chicks ass that is round, ample and sticks out just the right proportionate amount on which you could literally stack books on

yo holmes, that strippers got a great bookshelf ass

by ronnie_e May 15, 2009

177👍 35👎

queef sniffer

a fast talking asshole who's a pain in the ass and literally enjoys the putrid stench of gaseous queef emissions.

that guy's a giant queef sniffer, I think he was in my american history class last semester.

by ronnie_e May 17, 2009

301👍 120👎

no wiper

a shit which requires virtually no wiping at all

EDDIE: hey man, i thought you went to take a shit

PIERCE: yeah dude im done, it was a no wiper

by ronnie_e November 4, 2010

75👍 7👎


a relatively unattractive female considered hideous to even people with virtually no standards.

WILHELM: do you guys think my girlfriend vera is hot?

COLIN: you mean that hideous goblin over there?

CARL: dude, calling her a goblin is flattering, shes a fucking ugmo!

by ronnie_e July 30, 2010

110👍 23👎