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Getting to 2nd or 3rd base depending on who you ask but never really having sex.

“Cabrón, that bellaqueo/bellakeo with Alina was so hot!”
“I want to bellaquear with Britney Spears”

by vr. July 19, 2018

17👍 30👎


1. Horny, Sexually Aroused
2. Fuckboy/Fuckgirl, always wants to sleep around with anyone he/she finds hot

“Bitch, I’m so bellaco(a)/bellako(a) rn I could fuck my ex.”
“Juan? Oh he’s always been a bellaco, don’t fall for him.”

by vr. July 19, 2018

31👍 4👎


Dutch boy name or short for Venus. Usually adventurous, independent, misterious and badass. Very attractive people too have this name.

"Did you see Ven at the party last nighy? She looked hot af."
"Girl, I have like the biggest crush on Ven but he's so misterious it's so hard to kniw if he likes me too."

by vr. November 17, 2015

17👍 7👎