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genelia's are first appeared as quiet and kind. She is so cool and popular with a great fashion sense. she is the type to be really nice when it comes to friends and school, but hiding her natural side at home, which is wild and loud. Genelias have a mature side, but can also be immature too. they are easily fooled and very guillable mostly. get on her bad side and your dead meat.

Wow genelia is so cool!

by wakawakacloud1 May 27, 2021


Genelias are popular people and are nice to be around. They are the "good popular" type. Not the "bratty popular" type. Genelia knows all the tea. She is typically quiet and listens during class, although fun and mature with friends. However, this is not her true nature. At home, she is wild and always hungry. She can eat a whole fridge in a day. Genelias are very guillable too. They get tricked, fooled, and scammed easily. She can be toxic and violent if you get on her bad side; don't get on her bad side.

"Wow Genelia is so quiet"
"Help! Genelia is chasing me!! x-x"

by wakawakacloud1 June 2, 2021

7👍 3👎


A disability when someone is very slow mentally and is different than others

She’s so others!
I feel bad for her, she has Otheritis.

by wakawakacloud1 June 3, 2023


A roblox disability that causes someone to be slow and different than others

Omg she is so others!
I feel bad for her, she has otheritis.
They talks very slowly and stutters due to their otheritis

by wakawakacloud1 June 3, 2023