Source Code


japanese: then what?

Grimmjow:(desu anata yatsu tomodachi?) are you his friend?

Shinji:(iie) no.
Grimmjow:( sa-te ) then what?
Shinji:(kamawanai kokoro) never mind

by ykcir00222 July 22, 2009

12👍 6👎


japanese for can't

bob: ho kami korusu da!! (oh god kill it)

bill: watashi wa dekinai (I can't)

bob: doshite nai? (why not?)

shirimasen ( i dont know)

bill: kasu (shit)

bob: shite imasu shimatta ( i know damn)

by ykcir00222 October 29, 2009

13👍 29👎


the part of a sword thats above the hilt and below the blade that prevents other swords fom hitting your fingers.

samurai1:*swings sword down opponents blade.

samurai2:guard automatically blocks* haha

by ykcir00222 November 9, 2009

15👍 7👎


the part of a sword thats under (if held upright) the guard its also the part that you hold or the part that sticks out when sheathed and is usually around 1/4 the length of the sword.

joe:Don't throw unsheathed swords at me! >:<

Carl:Just catch the hilt and you'll be hokay -_- .

by ykcir00222 November 9, 2009

70👍 13👎


the cover for a sword save the hilt and guard that prevents you or others from accidentally getting cut

qaz:*slaps varg with sheathed sword*

varg:crap! that would've cut my head off if it wasn't sheathed!

qaz: :3

by ykcir00222 November 9, 2009

48👍 25👎