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Hangover theory

If somebody is more hungover than you, you don't seem to feel nearly as bad. Applies to other circumstances too, like if you are watching a scary movie and somebody is finding it scarier than you, you are naturally not as scared and can sometimes even enjoy the moment when your mate craps their pants! Universally applied to many situations. Has a good humorous outcome normally :)

The next day Jake was vomiting, while I felt like crap, on his fifth vomit I realized that I was in a far better place phycologically than Jake.
If somebody screws up more than u, u can apply the hangover theory too and fly under the radar :)
Watching a chick flick , and where possible u find a dude suffering more than u watching the movie, sit back relax and watch life's movie unfold....there is fun there :) Burcules

by Burcules January 23, 2015

Twitter theory

the theory that if a person is making a dark joke, you say how it's racist, ableist, homophobic or whatever shit that they joked about.

well that tweet was using twitter theory.

by ActuallyVorteks November 3, 2021

round pastry theory

The round pastry theory is commonly found in the RC airplane community. The theory states that consuming any sort of round pastry prior to a flight test will gauruntee a shit show. ESC’s are prone to exploding when round pastry’s have been consumed.

The theory dates back to 2014

Friend: *Starts to eat a donut*
Other friend: “DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The Round Pastry theory says you eating that donut just garunteed our RC MIG will crash.”

by NoBiscuits October 31, 2017

theory of forms


theory of forms is religion

by khan126 December 2, 2017

Cordial separation theory

Coined by YouTuber and content creator JaySoullz this is the theory that after you stop talking to a girl or guy, whether it be due to an argument or disagreement, you don’t leave on a really bad note. U keep it cordial, don’t yell back or argue, and you can later spin the block when you’re doing even better in life and the options she had are starting to weign. She will have forgotten the feelings that made her willing to stop talking to you in the first place, and by then you will have multiple other girls to immediately take her spot if she acts up again.

“Yelling and arguing with a female completely goes against CST(cordial separation theory)”
“If you’re following CST, you know you have to keep it calm at all times”

by Jayrod69 June 17, 2023

pan-meta theory

Paradigm that individual intention is modular. Occasionally, the theory of everything.

An addendum to triene-ism.

Pan-meta theory is an infinite line of equally long-discrete-parts that curves from trans-infinite space to super-symmetry.

The paradigm that states that human intention contains its pre-requisite definitions is triene-ism. In other words; you are missing material things or memories; but the STRUCTURE of YOUR intentions stays intact.

At no point is your intention missing its components.

Pan-meta theory; more than a stand-alone theory; is an appendix to triene-ism which adds a universal-contingent of modularity to intention.

by flightfacilities May 17, 2022

pan-meta theory

Theory of everything.

Theory that infinity^infinity dimensions moving at uncountable speed creates an orthogonal circle.

Pan-meta theory meets avant-nihilism which comes from the future. In avant-nihilism, a circle of shine is created if an infinite number of colors are deposited into the circle.

Pan-meta theory proffers that a plurality of multiverses reduces perfectly into a universe.

by zanderfin July 5, 2020