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coming out of the cooler

announcing to your parents that you're going to be a father

"mom, dad, i'm coming out of the cooler. you're going to be grandparents."

by reversecuomo August 10, 2023

Mac n' Cheese Come Around

The act of offering up unwanted hot food in group settings to ravenous yet dirty individuals, such as a campfire or hobo camp.

Le Cook: Got enough for a Mac n' Cheese come around! Who wants some of my saucy cheese noodles?!

All: Dope!

by Grossham September 1, 2015

Here comes the Gook!

What to say right before you cum when you’re having sex with a girl and realize that she isn’t really your type and just wanted to get laid. This will make her feel so weirded out mentally that she will almost definitely not try to hook up with you again.

Oh yeah, cum inside me baby!
Ok babe, ahhhhh Here comes the Gook!”
o_0 (What did he just say?)

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 9, 2023

Come heskey

Look how hungry the rats are bro
Heskey’s not even assed

Come heskey, that thing is hungryyyyy

by Anonymous Bread Batcher June 15, 2022

If I'd known you were coming, I'd have shaved my beard

Da "parody on da cake-baking saying" remark dat you smilingly say to a cute chick whom you've unexpectedly met somewhere, and you are savoringly pressing her soft warm palms against yer fuzzy cheeks.

I always love joking around about, "If I'd known you were coming, I'd have shaved my beard" wif pretty girls whom I befriend; said humorous remark always gets da biggest amused giggle-fits outta dem.

by QuacksO October 22, 2023

Come Quat

An expression used when uncertain or surprises.

Sam: Did you know Amy dyed her hair rainbow coloured because she thinks she find an Irish boyfriend?

Emma: Come quat??

by TheDictionFairy June 25, 2018

Coming back

Something your father will never do.

Kid: When is father coming back.. I'm tired and sick of eating my cereal with grape juice.
Mom: Never.

by Pie_:) January 1, 2023