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so lost in thought that one does not realize what one is doing, what is happening, etc.; preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one's immediate surroundings.

I tried to call out to him but he didn't hear me. He wasn't paying attention. He is absent-minded

by Snowbaby January 6, 2014

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Absent Friends

Friends who are dead. People who are not physically around you, but that you carry in your heart every single day.

How do you face loneliness?
I am never lonely, I am in the company of my absent friends.

by rperazag May 9, 2010

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A person who lacks empathy, is incapable of true love and accordingly has no real friends.

That narcissistic creep is so absent-hearted that he doesn't even really love himself.

by KirkChi April 8, 2015

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absent mothers

Mothers that #1: should not have been mothers.
They were always absent in taking care of their children.
These mothers end up with disfunctional children.
Unfortunately the children pay the price, because of the selfish mother.

Disfunctional absent mothers breed disfunctional children. And it's unfortunate for the children.

by str June 4, 2006

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Absent Money

Noun describing a lack of money, and/or state of debt.

Jack: Hey man, want to go downtown and buy some CDs?
Sherman: Aw, sorry man, I can't. I have so much absent money it's not even laughable.

by hindenburg II March 22, 2010

Absent Factor

The single factor not taken into account in any situation, which usually leads to catastrophe.

The fact that Joe didn't clean the beaker properly was the absent factor in the experiment that lead to the explosion in the lab.

by jon132 March 2, 2009

Absent Babysitter

The type of babysitter who will spend the night using your phone, eating your food, and ignoring your kids. In other words someone who may as well not even be there.

I always thought Louise was great with kids, but it turns out she's just another absent babysitter.

by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010

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